“Hey, is it closed? It looks suspicious. It closed no way!” I said to Rico as we on the way crossing the road heading to Fedwell. I saw no life from afar but Rico said, “No lah, I saw one or two people there, don’t you worry.” Fedwell in pandemic not as charming as usual. Even it was my first day, but I saw it has daily visitors quite much and people love to share their moment dine-in at Fedwell and mention the famous chef behind their delicious menu, Renatta Moeloek—if I’m not mistaken, Fedwell owned by her sister, together with Berrywell as one group.
As we step into the Fedwell Senopati, we welcomed by a warm pink colour wall, a bit of grey, white, wooden and rattan ornaments, and the wide-open seating options. It was only us, one man, one woman, and an ojek driver there. The staffs were only about three or four people, so I can say it was a safe place to dine in.
Oh, I need to get back to the pink colour as it was really mesmerised me. At first, I think it was salmon-pink but turns out, it represents the flamingo colour. Fedwell team believe that the flamingo fur colour will be pinker as well as the better health of the bird. Even the fact said that their fur getting pink or orange or white because of carotenoid pigments they get after eating algae and crustaceans, and the pinkest bird means a higher status in the colony, but that philosophy was quite interesting. And I believe if we eat more vegetables, our faces will be fresher and flushed.
I was thinking to use the same Pantone on my kitchen wall at home. What do you think?
3 Comments. Leave new
Selalu suka sama semua foto2 pasangan ini! Ya allah gemes banget!! Btw. Bagus ya kak tempat nya! Jadi pingin main kesana suatu hari nanti😆😆
Hai thank you, Icha! Happy denger kalau ada yang menikmati foto-foto dan ulasan kami. Baguuus! Kami sampai pakai cat serupa (tapi gak sama) buat dapur rumah kami hihihi. Memang warna jingga kayak gitu bisa menghangatkan hati. Selamat cicip Fedwell.
Aku kalo udh salad begini ato makanan sehat lainnya, ga berani kreasiin sendiri mba . Pengalaman selalu ancur semua rasanya wkwkwkwkwk.
JD aku pasti minta mas nya utk bantu create ATO pilih ajalah dr menu yg udh jadi :D. Sukaaa sih menu sehat begini, walopun aku belum bisa konsisten yaaa. Moga suatu saat bisa. Dan bener2 ngurangin Karbo trutama.