OH. MY. GOAT. WHAT. A. VIEW! That’s all I could say to express my awe at the breathtaking sight before my eyes! Is this the kind of view that the elite indulge in every time they visit Batam for a round of golf? Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality….. 🎤🎼
My first Batam experience was one of a kind—especially in my business trip savvy. I’m not sure what to label it: was it sheer bad luck, a gentle wake-up call for my overly laid-back attitude, or simply another intriguing chapter in my travel diary? But one thing’s for sure, it was an unforgettable unfortunate event. What’s the story, you ask? Well, let me tell you about the time I missed my flight to Batam. It wasn’t because I was running late or had a security hiccup at the gate—I even arrived at the airport a whole hour before boarding. Nope. It was all because of Starbucks.
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aahhhhh gilaaaa cakeeep banget mbaaa view nya ^o^… hotel ini juga langganan suami kalo lagi bistrip ke batam. aku sendiri terakhir ke batam itu pas 5 sd hahahahahahaha. batam msh blm jadi, msh gersang , beda banget ama skr :D. makanya kepengeen sih bisa ke sana lagi 😀
apalagi kalo denger cerita raka tiap dr batam dia juga cerita kota ini menarik dan makanannya enak2.
berasa ikutan sprint baca cerita ketinggalan pesawatnya… ya allah itu nightmare sih memang. aku pun ga pengen ngalamin kejadian begini.. tp memang travel insurance itu pentiiiing banget. aku bisa dibilang selalu beli akhirnya tiap traveling sejak drama reschedule flight tanpa notif dari airasia dulu pas ke manila ;p.
Aku pun gak mengira Batam ternyata modern, Mba. Dari dulu dikasih bayangan Batam itu tempat jual beli hape black market, jadi aku pikir kayak suram, kelam, penuh bengkel elektronik, pasar-pasar, gituuu HAHAHA. Ternyata bagus dan mewah ☺️